Catch up with the Flax Project – Busy times!
Hey everyone, so it’s been nearly 5 weeks since we last posted. It’s been a crazy 5 weeks and it’s not over just yet. Unfortunately we have neglected to post on the site. So here is a catch up on what myself and Carl have been up to over the last few weeks.
What have we been up to?
GameOn Conference 2011
Myself and Carl attended the GameOn Conference in NUIG on the 22nd of August. Although the conference was quite small, the quality of the papers submitted and presented was very good, with some interesting papers on AI in gaming and concurrency. The paper on concurrent scripting was submitted by one of our lectures Joseph Kehoe . Joe is currently undertaking doctoral research into concurrent programming language design, with particular relevance to games development under Professor Joseph Morris of DCU. Overall, it was well worth taking the day off work and the drive to Galway, and I’d like to thank Philippe Geril the event coordinator for having us.
Coder Dojo
A few Saturdays back myself and Carl went up to the first Dublin Coder Dojo to lend a hand and give a quick talk and Q&A on game development. It was really great to see so many young kids there, and even more so to see parents making the effort to bring their kids, some of whom had traveled across the country to attend. Though I suppose its a sign of the times, the parents of the young generation now see that technology is the growing economy not only here in Ireland, but around the world. Software development and general technology related jobs are popping up all over the county every day so it only makes sense. It’s great to see initiatives like Coder Dojo happening!
Myself and Carl finished at Ericsson 2 weeks ago, and now the Flax Project HQ is back in Carlow, since college started back yesterday. It was a great experience to work in the largest software house in Ireland, we gained some great insight into corporate software development and R&D. We’re glad to get back to game development focused work and college in general, though.
iPhone App
So, for those of you who follow myself and Carl on Twitter you will have probably pieced together by now that we’re working on an iPhone app, for a commercial social media company based in Dublin. Right now this iPhone app is consuming most of our time, and has priority over all other projects because this one helps pay the bills.
For those of you who follow the blog regularly will know that both myself and Carl are actively searching for 6 month internships in the games industry this year, starting from around March 2012. (So any spare minute I get I have been working on my game development portfolio website which you can check at
Where is Flax Engine 0.3?
Flax 0.3 is currently been shelved for the moment, due to busy schedules and massive work load from other projects/events that we are involved in and now college work. So unfortunately 0.3 won’t see the light of day this year.
So that’s it for another “Catch up with the Flax Project,” as always do please follow us on Twitter @FlaxProject to keep track of what we are working on. We’d love to hear from you too, so drop us a line!
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